Sunday, March 7, 2010

rogue farming dreams

my original intention for this blog was to document my experiences with food. at first that meant including interactions with food, post farmers' market or grocery acquisition. now, thanks mostly to my mom's influential green thumb and my dad's unadulterated imagination, i am about to interact with food on perhaps the most critical part its life's journey: i'll be growing it! ya-owww!

so, as most of my adventures-in-life go, this blog's focus has meandered and found a slightly different direction than intended. i'll continue the seemingly aimless wandering, wherever it may lead, and post information relevant to the farm in addition to the culinary experiments i embark upon...and whatever else i feel like. it's my blog, after all, right? (and i can use run-on sentences too, ha!)

let's take a look at the potential 5400 SF plot! here's a view from the highway fence line end:
the left fence line from the golf course end (opposite highway end), featuring farmer terry (aka dad):
the right fence line from the golf course end (opposite highway end), featuring yours truly:

as you can see, these tiny people are dealing with either a gigantic "garden", or a teensy-weensy "farm". and since i like the sound of "farm" better and--thanks to becky--the idea of wearing overalls that it engenders, i'm sticking with that title for now. however, you should be aware i adore the practice of naming inanimate objects-- my cars, for example: betsy, bueller, and now, sophia-- so it could find a new nomer. perhaps someone (oh, wait, i only have one follower! ha!) will assist me in coming up with a clever name for the farm?

xx a.

p.s. up next: ordering seeds and starting seedlings for the farm... oh, and those homemade oreos and banana oatmeal cookies i baked... not necessarily in that order.

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